How do you get eight Sandhill Cranes to all put their head up for a photo at the same time? Just wait for the neighborhood dogs to show up. The cranes were never in any danger. The dog owners called off the dogs and continued on their walk, but it got the attention of the cranes who all bunched up, stretched their necks out to see what was going on and slowly walked farther in to the water. It made for a nice photo opp. Taken at Union Hills Wildlife Management Area south of Ventura, IA, from the car (my mobile photography blind) about 100 yards away. There was a lot of heat shimmer coming up from the field and slough. It is very special to see these cranes in North Iowa. It doesn't happen very often and not in these numbers.(700MM, f6.3, 1/1250 sec, ISO800.) More bird pictures coming soon. Check back in a couple of days. |
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July 2024