Great Horned Owlets part 2 (well, only if you saw my previous photos on FaceBook). Last week my good friend Dale and I paddled to see these owlets in a limestone cave over the river. I got a few pictures from the front of the canoe hand-holding the camera with the big telephoto lens, but they were a little soft from moving the camera with a too slow shutter speed. I posted them on Facebook anyway, because they were kind of cool. The young owls hide behind the rocks in the safety of their cave, just peaking out to see what is going on and watching intently. Yesterday evening I went back, and with the camera securely steadied with a tripod and using a flash, I was able to get some better photos. You might think that I was way to close to these young owls, but with permission from the land-owner I was sitting in on the bank on the opposite side of the river with a long telephoto lens. I used a 'Better Beamer' on my flash which is like a projection lens that projects and focuses the flash for photos that would normally be way beyond the reach of the flash. I am always amazed with the results. I do get quite a bit of red-eye with the wide eyes of the owls and need to fix it in post-processing. The images were processed in Lightroom and Photoshop Elements and cropped from the original size. I also posted these on my Facebook page - |
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Bob F.
4/5/2015 06:17:26 am
Love these, Bruce!
Karen McKee Smith
4/5/2015 07:04:32 am
How remarkable! Nature is God's gift to all of us. Thank you for you continuous gifts of God's creations.
4/5/2015 03:34:07 pm
Did you whistle or something to get them to "stand up"? A pair of otters were playing just upstream of the owl cave Saturday afternoon and the owlets were pretty hunkered down. SWEET photo! Thanks!
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